Deliver Solutions with State Street API

Build nimble and efficient solutions to focus on outcomes and innovation; secure in the knowledge that State Street’s robust platform delivers accurate and consistent data at any scale, on demand.

Transform Your Operations

Digital Transformation

Build the digital future with State Street API to enhance the efficiency of business processes, focus on incremental value, and transform outcomes. API solutions seamlessly integrate across platforms, applications, and systems, enabling you to streamline process flows and accelerate digital transformation.


As operational expectations for timeliness and transparency increase, efficiency has become paramount. The State Street API can be leveraged to enhance your processes with automated access to your most current data, available on demand and customizable to fit your needs. Reduce the number of clicks, exceptions, and documents in your business processes and transform the scalability of your operations.


API solutions enable collaborative development and innovation, driven by client feedback and shared use cases. Integration via State Street API enables you to iteratively deliver solutions across segments and phases of the transaction lifecycle, scaling integration based on demonstrated impact and success.

Take the Next Steps

As an essential partner to our clients, State Street aims to enhance client integration capabilities via APIs, resulting in faster time to market, increased flexibility, and improved digital experience.


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