Cookies Disclosure

At State Street (“we”, “our”, “us”) we are committed to handling cookies and online tracking methods responsibly and transparently. This Cookies and Online Tracking Disclosure (“Cookies Disclosure”) contains the following sections:

  • What are cookies?
  • What categories of cookies do we use?
    • Strictly Necessary Cookies
    • Performance Cookies
  • Third party websites and cookies
  • Web beacons and other technologies
  • How do I refuse or withdraw consent to the use of cookies?
  • What are the most frequently used or a representative sample of the cookies on our Website?
  • Cookie lifespan


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files downloaded to your computer or device by websites you visit. Cookies are widely used to allow websites to function properly, as well as to provide business and marketing information to the operators of the site.

What categories of cookies do we use?

We use the following four categories of cookies on our website (Website).

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential to enable you to navigate our Website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services you have requested.

Performance Cookies

These cookies are used to gather statistics on how visitors use our Website. This allows us to gain insight so that we may make improvements to its usability.

We categorize the following as performance cookies:

  • Referrer URL (internal page): used to store the URL of the previous page visited. Allows us to track how visitors navigate through our Website.
  • Referrer URL: used to store the URL which refers a visitor to our Website, so we may understand what URLs are referring visitors to our Website.
  • URL history: used to store the page visited by a user before that user submits a form. Also, used to display recently viewed articles by each visitor.
  • Unregistered visitor cookie: a unique identifier given to each visitor to allow analysis on how unregistered visitors use our Website.
  • Session management cookies: these cookies allow us to follow the actions of a user during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close their browser window. Our session management cookies are created temporarily. Once you close your browser, our session management cookies are deleted.

Third party websites and cookies

This Website may contain links to third party sites. Please review the cookie and privacy policies of these third-party sites to understand how they may use cookies and your information. We, we are not responsible for the contents, operations or security of other websites.

Third-parties may also place cookies on their own. We do not have control over the placement of cookies by another website, even if you are directed to them from our Website. These companies use the data they process in accordance with their privacy policies, which may enable these companies to collect and combine information about your activities across website, apps, or online services. Please review the cookie and privacy policies of these sites to understand how they may use Cookies and your information.

Web beacons and other technologies

We may also use web beacons and other technologies for analytics and intelligence about our Website to determine whether email messages have been opened or whether links on our Website have been accessed. Web beacons do not place information on your device but may work in conjunction with cookies to monitor online activity.

How do I refuse or withdraw consent to the use of cookies?

While we may automatically use some cookies that are strictly necessary to provide the services you request or enable communications, we request your consent for all other cookies used. If you want to remove existing non-essential cookies from your device, you may do so by selecting the options in the cookie banner. You may also refuse to accept cookies by changing your browser settings. For more information on managing cookies and other tracking methods see

**** Please note that deleting and blocking cookies will have an impact on your user experience as parts of the Website may not function properly or be accessible.

What are the most frequently used or a representative sample of the cookies on our Website?

The following tables detail the most frequently used or a representative sample of the cookies our Website uses and explains their use.

Strictly Necessary Cookies


Cookie Type




Strictly Necessary


Is set by Web Agent upon authentication. This cookie represents a user’s session and contains: User’s ID (User name and user DN), ClientIP address, ID of the directory or database from which the user was authenticated, SMSESSIONSPEC, Unique Session ID (a hash of the GUID of the logged in user), Creation time, Last Access Time


Strictly Necessary


Contains number of failed login attempts


Strictly Necessary


The Web Agent has the ability to convert the text from an SM_AGENTAPI_ ATTR_USERMSG response to a SMUSRMSG cookie when performing a forms challenge


Strictly Necessary


Session timeout


Strictly Necessary


Logged in before


Strictly Necessary


Homepage session ID


Strictly Necessary


Mss session ID


Strictly Necessary


Java session ID


Strictly Necessary


WPS login attempt times


Strictly Necessary

1 year

Login type

Performance Cookies


Cookie Type





2 years

Contains a copy of the Experience Cloud ID (ECID) or MID. The MID is stored in a key-value pair that follows this syntax, s_ecid=MCMID|<ECID>



2 years

Unique visitor IDs used by Experience Cloud Solutions.




This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine if cookies are enabled (simply set to “True”)




This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code when the ClickMap functionality or the Activity Map functionality are enabled; it contains information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user



2 years

Unique visitor ID time/date stamp



2 years

Fallback unique visitor ID time/date stamp



1 day

First-party cookie holds previous page value



2 years

First-party cookie holds Unix timestamp



4.5 Hours

Used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics, such as having the ability to get Time Since Last Visit




Identifies an Adobe Cloud Experience session and is required for all Adobe Experience functionality


Cookie Lifespan

Unless stated above, the lifespan of the cookies we use is limited and will not exceed 1 day.