Alternative Investment General Ledger


The Alternative Investment General Ledger Activity API will allow clients to obtain General Ledger (GL) Activity for all general ledger accounts for a legal entity. Clients will be able to pull GL activity at the Investor level or investment level for all or a single GL account.

Client Benefits

Clients can get general ledger data at the following levels for their legal entities Ledger Accounts:

  • General Ledger Activity / Transactions at the Investor Transactions Level

  • General Ledger Activity / Transactions at the Investment (deal) level

Data Availability

  • Near real-time
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Alternative Investment Reference


  • The alternative investment reference API allows users to obtain entity level and investor level reference data.

Client Benefits

  • Entities will allow users to pull reference data associated with their legal entities.

  • Investors will allow users to pull reference data associated with the investors associated with their legal entities.

Data Availability

  • Near real-time
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S and P Global Back Office Onboarding

S&P Global Fund/Market onboarding request API offers fund and market onboarding initiated by client through S&P Global vendor.

Client access S&P Global system to onboard the funds or markets/products on their site and vendor pass this data to the State Street via this API endpoint.

Once State Street receives the request it will process in internally and setup the funds and open the markets based on the request data.

Client Benefits

  • Standardize the approach globally so that Clients have a consistent interaction with STT regardless of jurisdiction.
  • Minimize the number of data points that Clients need to provide – establish the minimum data set requirement to be visible and required from the Client
  • Maximize the number of data points that are auto-populated – reduce the effort required from CSTs and risk of incorrect data entry (Efficiency and Risk Mitigation/Error Reduction).

Data Availability

  • API Offers best availability to send the data for case creations and updates.

  • The API will provide the current status of the trade as it gets updated as part its life cycle on State Street Custody applications.

  • For example, Funds/Markets will easily setup and status and message sends to the client as and when data moving in the workflow in State Street.

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Saphyre Back Office Onboarding

Saphyre Fund/Market onboarding request API offers fund and market onboarding initiated by client through Saphyre vendor.

Client access Saphyre system to onbaord the funds or markets/products on their site and vendor pass this data to the State Street via this API endpoint.

Once State Street receives the request it will process in internally and setup the funds and open the markets based on the request data.

Client Benefits

  • Standardize the approach globally so that Clients have a consistent interaction with STT regardless of jurisdiction.
  • Minimize the number of data points that Clients need to provide – establish the minimum data set requirement to be visible and required from the Client.
  • Maximize the number of data points that are auto-populated – reduce the effort required from CSTs and risk of incorrect data entry (Efficiency and Risk Mitigation/Error Reduction).

Data Availability

  • API Offers best availability to send the data for case creations and updates.

  • The API will provide the current status of the trade as it gets updated as part its life cycle on State Street Custody applications.

  • For example, Funds/Markets will easily setup and status and message sends to the client as and when data moving in the workflow in State Street.

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IMS West Pricing Hub - DailyPricing Service


DailyPricing is a fair value pricing service provided to PIMCO for valuing hard-to-price securities.

Client Benefits

  • PIMCO can initiate fair value pricing services without invoking the IMS Business

Data Availability

  • Receipt of data initiates process.
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Fund Accounting Reference


Fund Accounting Reference data includes Entity, Broker, Security Master and Security Price Data for an Entity.

  • Entity Master stores various entity types such as portfolios, accounts, composite accounts, sponsors and Index level data. Covered here are Entity master and entity identifiers that hold the reference level data and identifiers for all entity types respectively. Also covered here is the entity analytical data points that is applicable only for index level data.
  • Broker includes the brokers which a client uses in their transactions. Key critical elements include: Client Identifier, role the broker plays and other fields.
  • Security Master - the security master data points for tradeable securities. It contains the terms and conditions by which a market security, currency, or other asset that are exchanged.
  • Security Price – includes the client definition and grouping of market prices. The market price is the current price at which an asset or service can be bought or sold.

Client Benefits

As a business user, this mart provides the referential data around the brokers that are used by clients. * Entity Master * Broker * Security Master * Security Price

Data Availability

Data Available upon End of Day Release.


For additional detail on field formats and codes, please reach out to or your client service representative.

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Fund Accounting Payable Receivable


The Fund Accounting Payable/Receivables API provides unsettled income, trades, and FX forward/spot records correlated to entitlement date when the security is entitled to a receivable record, due date when a cash record is received or pay date. Data can be retrieved using a given date or date range.

  • Open Payable/Receivables provides all the unsettled payables and receivables for an entity for a given day. This includes the following:
    • Open Income: provides security open dividends and fixed income current and past due interest accrual records.
    • Open Trades: provides all unsettled security transactions.
    • Open FXs: provides all unsettled spot and forward transactions.

Client Benefits

  • Standard payable / receivables related to a security or asset held within an entity.
  • Receivable types based on asset groups - Example: Interest receivable, Dividend receivable.
  • Income receivables and payables are captured and stored at the trade id level and categorized by receivable type.
  • Income receivables and payables can be provided at the both summary(security) level and lot level (source dependent).
  • As income receivable is Point-In-Time data, data is captured for a given effective date and can be associated to multiple periods such as daily and monthly versions of income receivables.
  • Past due income, trades or FX’s can be identified.

Data Availability

  • Data Available upon End of Day Release.
  • Data is available for a single day or date range.


For additional detail on field formats and codes, please reach out to or your client service representative.

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Inquiry Management 2.0

Inquiry Management services for providing management of Client inquiries via an API channel, SSBT Inquiry Management allows Clients to perform basic operations for inquiries such as create and close inquiries

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Contract Management v2


The ECMS-CLIENT integration API's are designed to allow CLIENTS to use ECMS Repository and Workflow for storing and executing Contract Documents. These API's are best suited for use when Clients wants to store Contract Document along with contract related metadata. These API's also allow clients to trigger a predefined workflow to manage Contract Documents maker checker process.

Client Benefits

  • Store Contract Document.
  • Store Metadata associated with Contract Document
  • Trigger Pre-defined Workflow
  • Pull latest metadata
  • Check Workflow Status

Data Availability

  • Near Real Time
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